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Formatting Toolbar

The Formatting Toolbar appears whenever you highlight text in the editor, and is mainly used for styling.


Custom Formatting Toolbar

You can create a custom Formatting Toolbar using a React component. This component should take the following props:

type CustomFormattingToolbarProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor

const CustomFormattingToolbar = (props: CustomFormattingToolbarProps): JSX.Element => ...;

You can then tell BlockNote to use your custom Formatting Toolbar using the customElements option in useBlockNote:

const editor = useBlockNote({
  customElements: {
    formattingToolbar: CustomFormattingToolbar

Default Items

It might seem daunting to create your own Formatting Toolbar from scratch, which is why BlockNote provides React components for everything you see in the default layout - both the toolbar itself and the items in it. Below are all the default components you can use to build your custom toolbar:

// Toolbar which wraps all the items.
type ToolbarProps = {
  children: ReactNode;
const Toolbar = (props: ToolbarProps) => ...;

// Dropdown which changes the block type.
type BlockTypeDropdownProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor
const BlockTypeDropdown = (props: BlockTypeDropdownProps) => ...;

// Button which toggles a simple style on the highlighted text.
type ToggledStyleButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor;
  toggledStyle: "bold" | "italic" | "underline" | "strike" | "code";
const ToggledStyleButton = (props: ToggledStyleButtonProps) => ...;

// Button which sets the text alignment on the block.
type TextAlignButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor;
  textAlignment: "left" | "center" | "right" | "center";
const TextAlignButton = (props: TextAlignButtonProps) => ...;

// Button which opens a dropdown on hover. The dropdown lets you set the 
// highlighted text's color.
type ColorStyleButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor
const ColorStyleButton = (props: ColorStyleButtonProps) => ...;

// Button which nests the block, if it can be nested.
type NestBlockButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor
const NestBlockButton = (props: NestBlockButtonProps) => ...;

// Button which unnests the block, if it can be nested.
type UnestBlockButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor
const UnestBlockButton = (props: UnestBlockButtonProps) => ...;

// Button which opens a dialog box to create a new link.
type CreateLinkButtonProps = {
  editor: BlockNoteEditor
const CreateLinkButton = (props: CreateLinkButtonProps) => ...;

Custom Items

BlockNote also provides components that you can use to make your own toolbar items, which match BlockNote's UI styling:

// Custom dropdown.
type ToolbarDropdownProps = {
  // Array representing the items in the dropdown.
  items: Array<{
    // Item name/text.
    text: string;
    // Icon next to the text.
    icon?: IconType;
    // Function to execute on click.
    onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
    // Condition for when the item is selected/active.
    isSelected?: boolean;
    // Whether the item should be clickable.
    isDisabled?: boolean;
  // Whether the dropdown should be clickable.
  isDisabled?: boolean;
const ToolbarDropdown = (props: ToolbarDropdownProps): JSX.Element => ...;

// Custom button.
type ToolbarButtonProps = {
  // Main tooltip, which is shown on hover.
  mainTooltip: string;
  // Secondary tooltip, usually showing the keyboard shortcut.
  secondaryTooltip?: string;
  // Icon for the button.
  icon?: IconType;
  // Function to execute on click.
  onClick?: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
  // Condition for when the item is selected/active.
  isSelected?: boolean;
  // Whether the item should be clickable.
  isDisabled?: boolean;
  // Child components, usually just the button text. If no children are 
  // given, make sure to provide an icon.
  children?: any;
export const ToolbarButton = (props: ToolbarButtonProps) => ...;

Demo: Simple Custom Formatting Toolbar

The example below shows a basic custom formatting toolbar with four items. The first three are default items to toggle bold, italic, and underline, while the last one is a custom button which toggles the text and background colors to be blue.

If you're unsure about what's happening inside onClick and isSelected, head to Introduction to Blocks, which will guide you through reading & manipulating blocks in the editor using code.